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Friday, June 4, 2010

Fernando Botero - Colombia

Íntimamente crítica y feroz es la mirada que lanza el pintor y escultor colombiano Fernando Botero sobre Abu Ghraib y las torturas y violaciones infligidas en esa cárcel iraquí por el ejército estadounidense. En entrevista exclusiva, el maestro Botero, desde sus estudios en París, explica a Radio Nederland que la serie Abu Ghraib tiene su semilla en la indignación e ira que le provocaron las imágenes y artículos escritos sobre el horror que allí tuvo lugar.

Fernando Botero, Artist in conversation with Robert Hass, Professor of English, UC Berkeley.

Fernando Botero, the most famous living Latin American artist, will display his Abu Ghraib paintings at the University of California, Berkeley. These 47 paintings and drawings belong to a long tradition of artistic statements against war and violence that include Goya's Caprichos and Picasso's Guernica.

Organized by the Center for Latin American Studies, these paintings have never been displayed in a public institution in the United States. The exhibit was "proposed to many museums in the U.S," according to the artist, but all declined to show it.

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